Ring of Honor


‘Ring of Honor’ is for you moms whose Aggie students have graduated from Texas A&M.

Do you miss the camaraderie that went with being an Aggie Mom? If you answered YES, you do not need to give up what you had… we still have something for you!

Northwest Harris County Aggie Mothers’ Club has a group called the ‘Ring of Honor’ Moms. It is for those of us that no longer have a student attending A&M but wish to remain a member of the Club, keep up with Aggie activities, and continue to visit with the friends we made through Aggie Moms.

You will love it…no officers, no jobs to do, no extra dues… just fun! We meet quarterly, go out to dinner, eat, drink, laugh, visit and have lots of fun. We may not all know each other, some were not in the Club at the same time, but we still have something in common. We put students through Texas A&M, we are proud of them and we are still Aggie supporters.

To be a ‘Ring of Honor’ Mom your Aggie undergraduates must have graduated, you must be a current paid member of NWHC Aggie Moms, and you agree to serve, at some time, on the Scholarship Committee.

So why not come, get a ‘Ring of Honor’ pin to “dunk” and join us? The fun does continue, why should you miss it?

We depend upon Aggie Moms to contact us once their students have graduated, or indicate ‘Ring of Honor’ on their NWHC Aggie Mom membership form. ‘Ring of Honor’ is open to all Aggie Moms who meet the requirements. Come, join us for dinner!

For more information, contact Susan Hamm at NWHC.ROH@aggiemoms.org