Howdy Aggie Moms,

Saturday, February 20, we will hold our Aggies Through the Decades Trivia Night!

We hope you make plans to join us on that night! 

We are in the process of collecting donations for our Silent Auction for this event. We would greatly appreciate it if you are able to make a donation for one of our baskets.  
You can bring your donation to the February meeting. Contact Melinda Aviles 832-404-3830 with any questions.

The link below is a shared document with the baskets and suggestions for each basket. You can fill in your name and your donation. 

Trivia Night Auction Basket Donation List

Thank you so much for your help!

-NWHC Aggie Moms Board
PS. If you can't fill a whole table, we will find one for you to join!

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