Northwest Harris County Aggie Moms' Club Northwest Harris County Aggie Moms' Club
Aggie Moms & Puppy Hugs
Forwarded from the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs:
Howdy Aggie Moms!
It's finals time!  This is a time where our Aggie Students need that extra encouragement and that is just what we Aggie Moms and Aggie Puppies are for!  We have done this for the past six semesters and it has grown into something extremely special for our Aggie Students.  We are excited to share that we've had Aggies that visited us as freshmen and continue to visit us each semester.  Many are so proud to show us their Aggie Gold.  Wow!  What a special experience!
We try to cover several different days from 10am-4pm and in different locations across the College Station campus.  We also have snacks that have been donated to hand out.
If you have a pup or just like giving out encouragement, we invite you to come join us!
Please use this SignUpGenius link to let us know you are coming: 2024 Spring Aggie Moms and Puppy Hugs sign-up
Thanks and Gig' em!
Dana Tuggle
Student Outreach
Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs
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