The Bylaws Committee has worked hard over the last few months to revise the Federation Bylaws. The Federation Board voted to approve the bylaws revisions, standing rules revisions and articles of incorporation on December 11, 2023. Per the current bylaws, once the board has approved these changes we must send to the Federation membership, namely you, 30 days prior to a called membership vote. That vote will take place at the business meeting to be held on Saturday, January 20, 2024 at the MSC. Please see below for important information to be prepared in the upcoming weeks.
Attached are four documents for your review.
1. Bylaws Committee Report
- Appendix A - What are Bylaws?
- Appendix B - Bylaws Revision Outline
- Appendix C - Where in the World Is . . .?
- Appendix D - Analysis of Bylaws Revision
2. Notice of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
3. Notice of Amendment to the Federation Bylaws with the Federation Bylaws Revision attached
4. Notice of Amendment to the Federation Standing Rules with the Federation Standing Rules Revision attached
Please read each document carefully. This is a full revision of the bylaws.
- Club presidents, if club president is not available, she can send one delegate in her place, will meet with the Bylaws Committee on January 10, 2024 at 7 p.m. CST via Zoom to ask questions on the bylaws and standing rules revisions. The objective is to understand the provisions of the revisions not to debate any one specific part.
- Proposed amendments or additional questions to either revision must be submitted, in writing, to the chairman of the Bylaws Committee, Linda Rodriguez at no later than January 12, 2024.
- Amendments that are received on or before the deadline shall be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee for form and content and sent to the board of directors for approval. Only those amendments approved by the board shall be submitted for consideration at the business meeting on January 20, 2024. Amendments received after midnight CST January 12, 2024 will not be considered.
- Voting on the amendments to the articles of incorporation and the adoption of the bylaws revision and the standing rules revision will take place at the January 20, 2024 business meeting and debate on their adoption will be in order. Each revision will be voted on separately. Only amendments approved by the board will be introduced. Amendments from the floor will not be permitted.
Federation President 2023-2024
Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs
Please visit our Federation website for more information and events.